I had chosen to write on Data Collection, so here we go…
As I have begun collecting data I am finding it incredibly exciting and enlightening yet overwhelming at the same time. I have immersed myself in the process of data collection. Since the start of this module have observed 8 technique classes (Ballet and modern), as well as host 2 interviews (one with a group of students and another with a group of teachers). I have also scheduled 4 other interviews in the coming weeks, and will begin creating my survey this next week to be handed out in November.
Overall I am finding the daily routine of watching classes and transcribing my notes very easy and enjoyable! The area I am struggling with is Literature. I am finding it incredibly difficult to find literature on my topic. As well, I notice that I put other MAPP activities ahead of finding and reading literature. I am not a lover of reading (although when I get into it I do find it very interesting) so getting started is where I lack ambition. This is something I need to work on ASAP! So if anyone knows of any great books, journals or readings out there around my topic, please let me know!
Anyway, back to data collection. This is the juicy part of the research process. This is the area that I find as a dance teacher, I thrive! I love observing others in the process. I am so inspired watching and learning from other teachers. I am also intrigued by the contrasting language and concepts that we use. I have noticed that between genres (Ballet and modern - and even within genres) and between generations of teachers our language is quite different. I am interested to see how this will be incorporated into my research.
An image I have in regards to this whole research process that has helped me realized it is ok to be unsure and a bit in the dark about where my research is taking me is…
Research is the human body. The research proposal (plan) are the bones. They lay the foundation or skeleton for the research - the shape to take form. The data collection is the layering of muscle. They form the body, they bring the meat and bulk to the body - shaping the research into what it will become but not bringing it alive quite yet. The analysis is the veins, arteries and cells. begin pumping blood They make the body come alive - the analysis makes the research come alive! And the skin is the final product, encapsulating all of the stages of research into one final product. (For the time being - because we know that this isn't a final product but is just the start!)
This has helped me because as I collect data I often have this nagging worry that what I am collecting is not what I was hoping too, or that it won't fit within my original research proposal. But by keeping this image in mind, I realize that I am only in the shaping stage. I have my skeleton and am now tacking on muscles, layer by layer. I don't know the final shape yet! Although its nerve-racking, its exciting! Almost like having a baby! You know the baby is being formed inside your womb, yet you do not know what it will look like or who it will be! There is mystery and anticipation!
So let's live in the mystery and anticipation and trust that it will all come together in time!