Monday, 2 May 2016

Questions for final submission and presentation…. Would love your help!

Hi all!

I have a list of questions I am waiting for responses to regarding final submission and our oral presentation. I thought I may turn here to see if any of you know the answers...

Critical Review - 
1. In all of my paper work I have 2 different names/word count for the ROL section of the Critical Review. In the Handbook it is called 'Critical Reflection' and asks for 700 words, in a blog from Adesola it is called 'Reflection of learning essay' and asks for 800 words. Are these the same things? 

Submission for Professional Artefact -
1. If I recall a conversation with Helen, this does not need to be submitted until I am at MDX in person on May 12th, is that correct? I do I need to submit it on May 6th with my Critical Review?
I see on Unihub that you submit it if it is applicable to do so. Since mine is a video, can I submit this in person on May 12?
2. Is a USB an acceptable form of submission? My artefact is a video and cover page, and I know for sure it will be too large to email.

Oral Presentation - 
1. I will be presenting using Powerpoint. Do I do this from my own computer? Or do I need to have it on a USB to transfer and play on someone else's computer? 
2. Do we need to have a layout of the oral presentation, if so, is this to be submitted? 
4. I would like to show a clip of my Artefact in the Oral (video - QuickTime), again, can I do this from my own computer or do I need to transfer it to someone else's?

Final question - I am concerned that my devices, being from North America may not be compatible in the UK. Have you ever run into this problem? I will save my Critical Review, Oral Presentation and Artefact on a USB, External Harddrive, my computer and possibly Dropbox just to be safe. 

Thanks for your help everyone:)
I am excited to meet you all in a week! 

Friday, 8 April 2016

Sunday's (April) Skype - Data collection + & -

I am almost a week late getting to this blog, sorry!

In preparing for this past Skype session I felt very nervous and anxious. With only a month left in the term and my final paper and presentation due just around the corner, I was terrified that I would go into the Skype and find out I am doing everything wrong! I have to say I was very relieved when it turned out to be only Helen, Lisa and myself! And as an extra bonus, I left the conversation feeling encouraged and ready to tackle this final month!

It was interesting hearing from Lisa about her research topic and her struggle with the process of selecting research methodologies and data collection tools. As we were chatting Helen asked me to share emu experience with this same process and how each worked out in reality.

This got me thinking in terms of my final Critical review and ROL. How did each method and tool work in relation to my inquiry and process? So I thought I would share my thoughts as my 'following the Skype blog entry'.

First of all, before I get into the nitty gritty of research, I will let you know what my topic is. I chose to look into the relationship between modern and ballet technique in adolescent dance training. Firstly, I wished to understand and define who adolescents are and what exactly do they go through in this stage of development. Then I brought this awareness with me as I looked further into ballet and modern technical training. What are some benefits of each, why do students enrol in each discipline, what (if any) concepts cross between the two techniques, etc…. I won't share my findings just yet, as I don't want to spoil the surprise :)

I conducted Qualitative research from a non-positivist (embodied) approach and phenomenological perspective. Taking into account each participants experience with the subject and point of view.
With this I used Grounded Theory and Narrative Inquiry as my research methods. Grounded theory allowed the data to speak for itself, developing meaning and theory from the data. Narrative inquiry was an essential method for my research in that it made space for each participants own experience to be narrated within the data.

The data collection tools I used (other then reflection and literature) were: 
Class observations
Open interviews (group and individual)

For the sake of our conversation on Sunday, I would like to share my experience with each tool in relation to my research.

#1 - Class observation:
Before I began my data collection phase, naively I assumed that class observations would be the most useful tool and that they would provide a substantial amount of information. They did not. I found it incredibly difficult to remain subjective and not let my own biases or thoughts get in the way while I was observing. As well, what I wished to find through observations was rarely present. I gained permission to sit in on all of the ballet and modern classes that included my student participants, who we call our Vocational 2 students. I chose this group in particular as they consist of students ages 12-17 (at the beginning of the research, now 13-18), which is the exact age span that is considered by most as adolescence.
As well, another obstacle that I faced with class observations was that in all 3 weekly ballet classes, the students were working on set exercises from the Intermediate RAD and ISTD syllabi, in preparation for examinations. So there was a sense of structure and urgency that I had not anticipated, as well as a fixed structure that did not give much room for other things to take place outside of syllabus work.

One highlight of observations was the ability to spend concentrated time as an outside eye in class. As a teacher I never seem to make time for this. Moving forward I intend on making this a priority in my own practice. I think there is so much value in not only learning from other's teaching practices but also seeing my students in other classes revealed strengths, weakness and much more, that I have miss when I am teaching them in my own class.

#2 - Open Interviews
I conducted 1 group interview with 4 of the instructors from my studio who were participants in my research, as well as individual interviews with each of them and 3 other peers in the community.
These interviews were brilliant! I loved this experience. It was so enlightening sitting down for 1 hour with each teacher, digging into my inquiry and learning from each of their experiences. This was a very enriching process not only for the data I collected by also for my own professional practice.
I recorded each of these interviews and transcribed them verbatim. This was a VERY long process! But extremely beneficial! I tend to forget things easily when hear in conversation. So taking the time to sit down and type out each interview helped me retain more of what was said and hear things in a new light. Also, then once I began data analysis I had tangible paper to look through and highlight, underline, star… etc.
The only issue I became aware of during the data analysis process was that I wish I would have allowed more time for response. Listening back, I noticed that either myself or the others would cut off the other persons though with a new though or question. Or if the participant was taking too long with a question or thought I tended to move on to another thought. If I were to do this again, I would slow down, allow time for the question or thought to sink in to the participant and really allow space for a full response. I would hold back and try not to jump in as often.

With the students I conducted 3 group interviews. Originally I chose a group structure for these interviews because I felt it took into consideration their comfort with each other and potential willingness to share amongst their peers. Through this process I gained loads of incredible information from my students own experiences and thoughts that was influential in my research. However, looking back and now having a great understanding of the development they are going through, I would reconsider the group structure. Adolescence is a time of identity building in which they have a lack of confidence and shaky self-esteem, and most importantly they become fully aware of others and compare themselves to others much more often. Now that I am aware of this and have gone through this experience with them, where I have seen some students become very quiet and hesitant to talk, I would consider doing individual interviews with each student. It would take more time, but I feel it may be a safer more ethical approach to take.
Again, I transcribed each of these interviews verbatim.

#3 - Surveys/Questionnaires 
Another tool that I used that was very useful was surveys or questionnaires. I guess mine were more of a questionnaire. I gave my teacher participants 1 and my students 2 (the second was a follow up later on in my data collection phase when I had more questions for them). I gave the participants 2 weeks to complete the surveys in order to keep their busy schedules in mind. This process worked very well and I gathered some great information.
Through analyzing the forms I did notice that some of the more quiet students in the interviews had a much stronger voice on paper. They seemed more willing to share their thoughts and experiences through this means of communication. I am not sure if this was because they were more comfortable with writing, because they were not being judged by peers, or why… ? But I felt it was an interesting note to make. And again, if I am ever to do this again, I would keep that in mind and maybe offer opportunity for either an interview or questionnaire depending on the students comfort level.

I am going to continue to reflect on this as I tackle the 'research context' portion of Critical review tomorrow. If I have more thoughts I will post them!
But for now I am off to bed so I can get an early start writing tomorrow!

Less then 1 month to go!!!! Yikes…..

Ainsley :)

Sunday, 6 March 2016

March Skype - Professional Artefact


That is best way to describe where I am at right now after our Skype yesterday. Thankfully I have come to this same place of "ummmm……." many times throughout this MA journey, so I am not freaking out (this time at least). I thought I was doing so well and on the right track - finally starting to narrow in on the main themes appearing within my data and dreaming up ideas for my Artefact. However I am now afraid I don't fully understand the intention of the Artefact, or that what I thought it was is not actually what it needs to be. If that makes any sense?

My understanding was that the Professional Artefact is a visual representation of the data. Something that you created once you had analyses the data, found the overarching themes and began to summarize it all into written form. And since dance is a visual art, a written paper probably not best depict the research process or findings - so a visual representation is created along side the written. Some one, I can't remember who, within the past year and a half mentioned on one of our Skype calls that the Pro Artefact is something that could be shown to an outsider and after observing they would have a pretty good idea about the research as a whole.
This has always stuck with me.

However now I am lost and am trying to sort out my own thoughts to figure out if my ideas for an artefact are 'wrong', meaning I don't understand it (the Artefact) properly, or if they could work but need more thought put in to them.

In yesterday's Skype Adesola mentioned that it would be good to look back over blogs of past MAPPer's and the advisors. So I did that last night. I found a blog on Adesola's page from Nov 2, 2014 titles "An Artefact of the morning Skype session!!". In it she gives a definition for what the work Artefact means… "Artefact means an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest - the culture being your work culture." In this blog she gave a few examples of Artefacts - an instillation, choreographic process/method or children's book. Adesola then went on to explain… "In making your artefact you should find deeper meaning to your research because just as you writing it for the University Artefact you become clearer about what it is so too as you make your work place artefact young find new ways to look at the research and become clearer about it." 
I also found a post on Amanda Tooms-Peel's blog about a revelation she had after teaching one night. She had been encouraging her students to "think about your presentation as being something of a lesson to the audience, remember that not everyone in the audience will know what you've been steadying or working on for the whole term and they won't understand unless you tell them the ins and outs of it all." This comment revealed to her the purpose of the oral presentation and professional artefact.

These two blog posts got me thinking. I now feel the artefact has two main purposes - to clarify my findings and to make them teachable to someone removed from my research. I am also reminded that as the researcher I am completely embedded within my own research. By the end of this I will know my research in and out!!!! However, no one else will know my research like I do. So when creating the written portion, oral presentation and professional artefact my job as researcher is to make my findings digestible for everyone else.

This being said…. where do I go from here?
I feel a sense of urgency - with spring break just around the corner, my trip to NYC with students happening the week before the deadline and I fly to the UK, recitals to prepare, only 2 months left in the term and a deadline looming…

I understand Adesola and Helen when the say not to rush this process but to really absorb the data before deciding on an artefact. However I am worried I will run out of time! As much as I want to just go full steam ahead - I have to trust that in waiting the answers will come. So for now I will push pause on the artefact, stew in my data and begin formulating my thoughts into written form.

Well, I hope that was useful or entertaining at least! haha :)  If anyone has any frustrations, thoughts or brilliant ideas about the artefact I would love to hear them! Share away!!!


Sunday, 7 February 2016

Skype chat - Get moving!

Hello all!

Well we are officially back at it! And for many of us we are heading towards the finish line.

In today's evening Skype group chat there seemed to be an overall consensus that getting back into the swing of things is a challenge this time around. Although we are all at a different stage of the journey - some beginning Mod 1, some moving on to Mod 2, some moving from Mod 2 into 3, and others getting back into Mod 3 after some time off - we seem to all be experiencing the same struggle - getting moving!

Hayley mentioned that coming back from having time away from her data and research she is coming back into Module 3 with evolved thinking and a new out look on her research. This comment made me recognize my own evolution of thought and understanding as I have progressed through this MA. I now more then ever understand Helen and Adesola's comments from the beginning of this process, explaining that this MA is about opening doors, broadening our perspective and extending possibilities RATHER then re-affirming what we already know or trying to prove a point. I think I have mentioned this before - but the more I learn and experience, the less I feel I know and the shakier my ground feels! While this can be frightening and unnerving, it is refreshing in away. I don't always have to have the answer. And in terms of this MA, I won't have an answer, just thoughts… an outlook… a perspective… some revelations towards my own practice possibly?

Ok, back to getting moving. Personally I have found that digging into my data - reading the surveys and interviews - has allowed me to get re-immersed in my research. However, I almost feel as though I am downing in data!!! I wonder what the average amount of data is for Module 3? I am feeling like maybe I have too much? Can others in Module 3 share about how much data they have collected for their research?

Cathi Ingram posted a blog a few weeks ago celebrating her finishing her MA and encouraging the rest of us to keep going! In her blog she mentioned that in Module 3 her husband became her gate-keeper, fending off family, friends etc that may pull her away from her research. As well, she came to realize that she may need to miss dinners, events etc in order to remain focused on her MA work. While I do not have a gate-keeper, I used this idea and in red ink wrote MA beside free days in my diary - agreeing with myself that I will commit each of these days to my research. And I have told myself that I need to start practicing saying "no". This is hard for me, especially when it comes to socializing! But for the next 2-3 months school is priority. The gate is closed! At least just for the time being :)

As I continue to analyze my data I am beginning to notice that I am struggling to organize my thoughts, remain critical and avoid projecting my own assumptions and ideas on the data/research. These are 3 main areas that I need to focus on while continuing with analysis and beginning to formulate my thoughts into writing.  Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions regarding this? Especially how to be critical but still get the work done and not allow your thoughts and ideas to get away from you?

Merde everyone! I look forward to reading all of your thoughts as well and meeting some of you in May :)


Monday, 11 January 2016

Data analysis, Coding etc…. Help requested :)

Hi all!
I am beginning my data analysis and coding and would love some advice, input or ideas on how you went about doing this. My plan is to go through all of my data first, then take note of common themes, ideas or findings that pop out at me and consider those as categories. Then from there try to narrow them down to a few main categories. Does that sound about right?

Sarah, I am not sure if you will see this, but I tried printing out your Rhizome and it was quite blurry. I would love your feedback and input on how this worked for you. I would really like to give it a try!

Thanks MAPPers!
And congrats to those who have completed Module 3! Merde for the presentations! Wish I could be there in person :(  But will be in May!    
