Sunday, 7 February 2016

Skype chat - Get moving!

Hello all!

Well we are officially back at it! And for many of us we are heading towards the finish line.

In today's evening Skype group chat there seemed to be an overall consensus that getting back into the swing of things is a challenge this time around. Although we are all at a different stage of the journey - some beginning Mod 1, some moving on to Mod 2, some moving from Mod 2 into 3, and others getting back into Mod 3 after some time off - we seem to all be experiencing the same struggle - getting moving!

Hayley mentioned that coming back from having time away from her data and research she is coming back into Module 3 with evolved thinking and a new out look on her research. This comment made me recognize my own evolution of thought and understanding as I have progressed through this MA. I now more then ever understand Helen and Adesola's comments from the beginning of this process, explaining that this MA is about opening doors, broadening our perspective and extending possibilities RATHER then re-affirming what we already know or trying to prove a point. I think I have mentioned this before - but the more I learn and experience, the less I feel I know and the shakier my ground feels! While this can be frightening and unnerving, it is refreshing in away. I don't always have to have the answer. And in terms of this MA, I won't have an answer, just thoughts… an outlook… a perspective… some revelations towards my own practice possibly?

Ok, back to getting moving. Personally I have found that digging into my data - reading the surveys and interviews - has allowed me to get re-immersed in my research. However, I almost feel as though I am downing in data!!! I wonder what the average amount of data is for Module 3? I am feeling like maybe I have too much? Can others in Module 3 share about how much data they have collected for their research?

Cathi Ingram posted a blog a few weeks ago celebrating her finishing her MA and encouraging the rest of us to keep going! In her blog she mentioned that in Module 3 her husband became her gate-keeper, fending off family, friends etc that may pull her away from her research. As well, she came to realize that she may need to miss dinners, events etc in order to remain focused on her MA work. While I do not have a gate-keeper, I used this idea and in red ink wrote MA beside free days in my diary - agreeing with myself that I will commit each of these days to my research. And I have told myself that I need to start practicing saying "no". This is hard for me, especially when it comes to socializing! But for the next 2-3 months school is priority. The gate is closed! At least just for the time being :)

As I continue to analyze my data I am beginning to notice that I am struggling to organize my thoughts, remain critical and avoid projecting my own assumptions and ideas on the data/research. These are 3 main areas that I need to focus on while continuing with analysis and beginning to formulate my thoughts into writing.  Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions regarding this? Especially how to be critical but still get the work done and not allow your thoughts and ideas to get away from you?

Merde everyone! I look forward to reading all of your thoughts as well and meeting some of you in May :)
